When you have a home and a vehicle, you likely have an insurance policy on each of them. When you have these two policies, you may feel that you’re well-protected against certain risks. However, it may be that you don’t have enough of some of the coverage types to pay for the medical bills that can come from a serious accident. When this is true, an umbrella policy can help. To get started, call us at Creative Risk Management LLC in New Jersey.
Liability Insurance Coverage
Both home and auto policies have different types of coverage wrapped up in the policies. Part of that coverage is for liability. In auto insurance, it is coverage that pays for the medical bills after your vehicle causes an accident in which third parties are injured. In home insurance policies, this pays for the medical bills required after someone visits your home and is injured there. If you have little of this coverage, there may be a lot of medical bills left over to pay once the policy has reached its maximum. You are responsible for all of that overage. That’s where umbrella insurance can help.
Using Umbrella Insurance
When one of these types of accidents happens, your home or auto policy will kick in first. That policy pays for the medical bills, but it will only pay up to the maximum on the policy. When you have umbrella insurance, it pays that overage up to a very high maximum. It’s a smart idea to have this coverage in place so that you can have any overages taken care of for you.
Get Umbrella Insurance
When you have umbrella insurance, you are better protected. If you want to know more about these policies, call us today at Creative Risk Management LLC in New Jersey.